Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) was established in 20-06-2013. The prime task of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the performance of institutions. The IQAC will make a significant and meaningful contribution in the post-accreditation phase of institutions. Since quality enhancement is a continuous process, the IQAC will become a part of an institution’s system and work towards realizing the goals of quality enhancement and sustenance.

Quality Objectives:
  • To evolve a quality assurance system for the sustenance and enhancement of academic and administrative performance.
  • To adopt best practices and quality culture in order to build a healthy academic ambience.
  • To dissemination information relating to various quality parameters for improving institutional performance.
  • To motivate the staff members to participate in various conferences, seminars etc. for their self development.
  • To organize seminars and workshops on quality related themes to improve and update the skills of the staff members and the students.
  • To provide a sound basis for decision-making to improve institutional functioning.
  • To facilitate the creation of a learner-centric environment to impart quality education.
  • To propose quality parameters and suggest means of achieving those for the overall quality development of the University.
  • To get online feedback from the students to enhance quality in education.
  • Preparation of the SSR and Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) of the Institution based on the quality parameters/assessment criteria developed by the relevant quality assurance body (like NAAC) in the prescribed format.
IQAC Members


Team Members:
  • Vikas Surana Correspondent
  • M.B. VenkataPerumal Advocate
  • Vishal Surana
  • R. Jayanthi Member
  • B. Padmadevi Member
  •  D. Preethi Member
  • P. Gayathri Member
  • P.K. Gayathri Member
  • R. Sukaranjini Member
  • G. Prasad Administrative Officer
  • G.V. Sathyabharathi (Alumni)Manager, Allahabad Bank, Chengalpattu
  • R. Ishwariyalakshmi II M.A. English- Student

Dr.C.Shalini, Principal and Mrs. C. Anuradha, Head, Dept of English has conducted an Orientation programme on 31st November,2019 for faculty members regarding the NAAC New Guidelines after attending the NAAC sponsored workshop held at University of Madras on 31st October.

The programme had a general discussion on the all 7 criterion and the weightages allotted for each Criterion. As the institution is in the second cycle of NAAC visit, new changes like Data Validation Process and Student Satisfactory Survey through online was also discussed.


The External Academic Audit for all Departments and clubs was held on
24th February 2020. The Audit Panel members were:

S.NoAudit Panel MembersDepartments & Clubs visited
Associate Professor & Research Supervisor,
P.G & Research Department of Commerce,
RajeswariVedachalam Government Arts College, Chengalpattu.
Business Administration
Commerce, Mathematics, English, Student Council, EDC, Yoga, Karate, Placement & NSS
Associate Professor & Head,
Department of Home Science,
Queen Mary’s College, Chennai.
Computer Science, Physics with CA, Chemistry, Home Science, YRC & Library.

A One Day Workshop on “ Quality Enhancement in Teaching Technique Through Gamification “ was organised by IQAC along with the Academic partner ICT Academy on 28.02.2020. The SESSION SPEAKER was Mr. Nirmal Kumar K, Senior Manager – Training & Research ICT Academy. The main objective of the workshop was To develop and use more innovative teaching techniques which were made successfully by the resource person.


A faculty development programme was organised by IQAC in collaboration with ICT Academy from 11th to 12th July 2018 at Vidhya Sagar College for women on the topic “Creative Thinking”. The speakers were Mr K.Nirmal Kumar and Mrs Bhargavi from ICT Academy. This faculty development programme was very beneficial from the academic point of view.


IQAC organised a faculty development programme on the topic “BE THE BEST VERSION OF YOU” on 31.10.2018. The Resource Person to the programme is Ms. ArunaDass, Image Consultant.The session was more interactive with the group activities and games conducted during the session.

One day NAAC sponsored National Seminar on “Step-Up in Quality Higher Education – Education 4.0” was organized by Vidhya Sagar Women’s College on 19th January 2019. The seminar proved to be the meeting ground for Students, Research Scholars and Educators to gain and exchange experiences, knowledge and ideas. Dr. P. Shanmugavadivu, Professor, Department of Computer Science & Applications, Director – IQAC, Gandhigram Rural Institute- Deemed University, Gandhigram, Dindigul, the keynote speaker of the inaugural session, expressed her heartfelt congratulations to the institution for choosing a topic which is actually challenging in the current scenario.In the technical session the most prominent speakers like Mr. Sathya Prakash Sekaran, Vice-President – Human Resources, XLRI (ECPHRM) & JWMI (ECPI) began the session with the discussion about dedication and thirst for learning. He also shared about the importance of being smart to achieve the goal. He insisted everyone to be a champion, smart and extra ordinary. Ms. Preethi BR, Head Financial Express, Chennai addressed and discussed about the evolution of education from education1.0 (Gurukul) to education 4.0 and described how it evolved.

Workshop on “Application of Statistical tools by using SPSS”:

IQAC in association with Department of Commerce organized one day workshop on 31-01-2015 on the topic “Application of Statistical tools by using SPSS” for Research Scholars and the Faculty members. The Resource Person was Mr.J.Poovaraghavan, Assistant Professor, Department of Maths, D.B.Jain College, Chennai. Many Faculty members and Research Scholars from various Institutions were attended and benefited.

Faculty Development Programme:

IQAC arranged for a Faculty Development Programme on 16-06-2015. Dr.Ranganatham, Professor, University of Madras was the Resource Person. He suggested many teaching techniques for the improvement of teaching and learning process.

Faculty Development Programme on “Application of NLP on Teaching Learning Process”:

IQAC organized a Faculty Development Programme on “Application of NLP on Teaching Learning Process” on 30-01-2016. The resource person to the programme was Mr.John A. Joseph, NLP Trainer/Coach/ Counselor. In the session he introduced the NLP concept and explained about various NLP Tools and its significance in Teaching process. He insisted us to reframe the teaching methodology according to the current situation. He advised us to create rapport with the students to enhance teaching – learning process. To provoke the thinking ability of the students he pinpointed various methods..

Faculty Development Programme on “ Curricular Issues in Higher Education”

Faculty Development Programme on “Parenting the NEX GEN”

NET/ SET Training for Faculty members



Workshop on “Framing Research Proposal”

The research committee of our institution attended the workshop on “Framing Research Proposal” on 23-10-2017.The resource person was Dr.S.Selvam,National Professor of Eminence, IIT, New Delhi.



Internal Audit

Internal Audit for all the departments, clubs and office was conducted for odd semester 2017-18.



Social Connect