Fundamental principles of Youth Red Cross are:
- Humanity
- Impartiality
- Neutrality
- Independence Voluntary Service
- Unity
- Universersality
The Youth Red Cross is a constituent of the Indian Red Cross Society (Tamilnadu):
We in our college have a Youth Red Cross Club. All students of our college from any discipline can become a Youth Red Cross Club Member.
The hope of every nation in the world is its young people. We in our institution, prepare our students to be caring citizens so that they have an opportunity to touch the lives of the needy and the helpless. We try to make a difference in our students through YRC.
- Youth Red Cross Awareness Programme: YRC Awareness Programme was held on July 2019 in our college campus. Around 670 First year students participated in the event and the orientation was presented by our staff members.
- Blood Donation Camp: Blood Donation Camp was organized in our college in collaboration with ESSAR BLOOD BANK, Chengalpattu on 28thJune 2019. Around 70 individuals donated blood. This camp helped students in becoming aware about their social responsibilities.
- Youth Red Cross Inauguration Function: Youth Red Cross Inauguration Function was conducted on 8thAugust 2019 in our college campus. The Chief Guest for the function was Shri. P. RAMESH KUMAR .M.A., M.A.(LING)., M.PHIL.,PH.D.,
YRC District Organizer, Kancheepuram , NSS Programme Officer, Asan Memorial College of Arts & Science, Chennai. The Chief Guest addressed the gathering; he elaborated to the students about the objectives of the YRC Movements and its Importance. He stated that YRC movement is based on the principles of protection of health and life, serive to the sick and suffering, promotion of National and International friendship and how YRC helps to develop the mental and moral capacities of youth. He also explained about the general activities of Indian Red Cross Society, Tamilnadu Branch, Chennai. He encouraged and guided students to enroll in YRC. - Health Camp: Free Diabetic Camp was conducted by SREE RENGA HOSPITAL, Chengalpattu in our college Campus on 18th August 2019. People from in and around village got benefited from the Camp.
- Competitions for the commemoration 70thAnniversary of Geneva Conventions 2019-2020: Indian Red Cross Society, Tamilnadu Branch, Chennai celebrated 70th Anniversary of Geneva Conventions for the Year 2019-2020 at Red Cross Premises, Chennai. Competitions for the commemoration of 70th anniversary Geneva conventions were conducted for the following: Visualizing & Painting , Essay Writing (Tamil), Essay Writing (English), Oratorical(Tamil),Variety/ Cultural Programme and quiz. 12 students of our college participated in the Competitions conducted and organized by Indian red Cross Society, Tamilnadu Branch, Chennai between 28th August 2019 and 31st August 2019
- Youth Red Cross Awareness Programme was held on July 2018 in our college campus. Around 800 First year students participated in the event and the orientation was presented by our staff members.
- Youth Red Cross Inauguration Function was conducted on 18thJuly 2018 in our college campus. The Chief Guest for the function was Dr.J.Sulaiman, YRC Chennai District Organizer, Assistant professor ,Research Supervisor, The New College Chennai.
- Free Diabetic Camp was conducted by SREE RENGA HOSPITAL, Chengalpattu in our college Campus on 18th July 2018. People from in and around village got benefited from the Camp
- Youth Red Cross 69thAnniversary of Geneva Convention was organized and celebrated in our college auditorium on 11th August 2018. The Chief Guest for the function was Shri. Diwakar
- YRC of our college initiated our students to contribute for Kerala Flood .Our students made a tremendous contribution for Kerala Flood. We handed over the collected items to the University of Madras, NSS and YRC Cell , Chennai on 28thAugust 2018
- The Fire Safety Training Programme was conducted by the trainer from M/S Jai Sai Fire Protection System PVT LTD Chennai ,in our college campus on 04th, September 2018 around 150 students participated in this programme.
- One Day District level seminar for Youth Red Cross programme officer was organized and conducted in Jeppiar Institute of Technology, Sungavarchatram, Chennai as a part of Indian Red Cross Society ,Kancheepuram District on 24thJanuary 2019.
- Geneva Convention Day competition was held between 6thAugust 2018 and 11th August 2018 at Chennai. Around 20 students from our college participated in many events such as Essay Writing, Oratorical, and Variety Cultural Progamme.
- Around 80 students from our college eagerly participated in Blood Donation Camp which was held on 28thJune 2019 in our college campus
Youth Red Cross has,
- Planned to conduct many health awareness programmes and camp for the rural people in and around villages.
- Planned to conduct many upliftment and motivational programmes for girls for their live hood in the society.
- Volunteers of Youth Red Cross will join hands in promoting awareness on Health and Hygiene .
- Planned to conduct Rally for the awareness on Water Conservation.
- Planned to conduct many health awareness programme and camp for the rural people of in and around villages.
- Planned to conduct many upliftment and motivation programme for girls for their live hood in present world and society.
- Volunteer of Youth Red Cross will join hands in promoting Health and Hygiene, Service to other and National Integration.
- 26-06-2016 “Drug Abuse rally” conducted by Narcotic Intelligence Bureau
- 18-07-2016 “Youth Red Cross Awareness Programme”
- 31-07-2016 “Free Diabetic Camp” conducted by Sree Renga Hospital, Chengalpattu
- 10-08-2016 “Youth Red Cross Inauguration Function” – Chief Guest Ms. G.V.Shoba, Advocate, Madras High Court, Chennai
- 23-08-2016 to 27-08-2016 – Geneva Convention Day competition
- 22-09-2016 Indian Red Cross Society – Kancheepuram District Annual Day Function
- Vidhya Sagar Women’s College received the “Best YRC college award” for Kancheepuram District for the year 2016 – 2017
- Dr.R.Jayanthi received “Best YRC Programme Officer” for the year 2016-17
- 07-10-2016 – One day Motivational Orientation Training Programme for YRC Programme Officer was organised at Hindustan College of Arts and Science
- 15-10-2016 – Celebration of Global Hand washing Day
- 12-01-2017 – National Youth Day
- 24-01-2017 – Disaster Management Training Programme
- 26-06-2015 “Drug Abuse rally” conducted by Narcotic Intelligence Bureau
- 01-07-2015 “Blood Donation Camp” organised by Adyar Cancer Institute
- 17-07-2015 “Youth Red Cross Awareness Programme”
- 28-07-2015 “Free Dental Camp” organised by Karpaga Vinayaka Medical College
- 29-07-2015 “Youth Red Cross Inauguration Function” – Chief Guest Mrs. TamilSelvi, Govt. Law College, and Chengalpattu.
- 01-08-2015 to 05-08-2015 – Geneva Convention Day competition
- 29-03-2016 “The Essence of YRC” – Chief Guest Dr.J.Sulaiman, The New College, Chennai and District Organiser, Youth Red Cross
- Mrs. T. Parikodi received “Best YRC Programme Officer” for the year 2015-16
Students Participated In The Following Activities For The Year 2014-2015
- 12-01-2014 “Youth Day “ Celebration.
- 15-01-2014 “VOTERS AWARNESS “program organized by RDO Chengalpattu.
- 02-07-2014 Blood donation Camp by “ Essar Blood Bank “.
- 28-07-2014 Dental Eye Pledge Camp by Karpaga Vinayaga Medical Science.
- 12-08-2014 YRC Awareness Programme.
- On 29-06-2013 Blood Donation Camp was organized by “ ESSAR BLOOD BANK “ by Dr. A.R. Chakravarthy.
- On 28-07-2013 Dental, Eye Pledge Camp by KarpagaVinayaga Medical Science.
- On 26-09-2013 YRC Orientation Programme was held in HINDUSTAN COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE, Kerambakkam.
- On 10-10-13 “World Peace Organization “Programme was held in ValluvarKottam, Chennai.
- On 28-07-2012 Blood Donation Camp was organized by ESSAR Blood Bank.
- On 03-08-2012 Geneva Conventions Day was celebrated.
- On 05-08-2012 Dental Camp was organized by KarpagaVinayaga Medical College.
- First Aid Training class was organized by St. John Ambulance, Ambattur on 04-10-2012